Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's a boy!

We are having a boy! I'd post a picture, but the only one I have since the little guy wasn't cooperating is a frontal shot of his face, which looks like a very cute little skull. I think it may scare people. At least I can tell his bone structure is very symmetrical. I already had a name picked out for a girl, as I had convinced myself that's what I was having, so am trying to think of boy names.
If you have a suggestion for a boy's name, leave a comment below.


Dave and RoCherra said...

This is such fun news!! You will have lots of little mommies in the house to help you! Congrats! RoCherra

Kari D. said...

Okay, a boy's name...right now I've been into the name "Timber". I know it may sound strange...but that's my vote. :) I guess you have more traditional names for the girls, so you probably won't be too into that one.
Congratulations! I hadn't heard the exciting news. I can't imagine a little boy with all those cute li'l (or not so little from the pics) girls.
Good to get glimpses of you all.