Friday, May 22, 2009

Miscellaneous Pictures

He's doing his best to keep his cheeks chubby.

The girls doing karate poses for the camera before their promotion to orange belt. They passed! My sister, Kimberly, was also going up for her purple belt and my nephew, Alec, for his blue belt. Everyone did a great job!

My dad took Taylor, Kimberly & Alec shooting and then to Snoqualmie Falls on the way home.

Taylor had a class trip to Padilla Bay last week.

Our niece, Franki. Her necklace is from the "bag of cool", a bag my girls thought of to get rid of their old toys. Their little friends and cousins get to choose from the bag of cool when they leave our house. A great idea because it gets rid of trinkets and reduces tears when little ones are leaving. The name gives me a chuckle every time they drag it out and have someone go through it.

I've been doing a lot of's favorite pasttime.

Going home from a bike ride at the school tonight . . . gorgeous weather.

Dennis teaching Kimi how to do a wheelie. Then she had to chase him down to get her bike back. He kept showing her "one more thing".

it was a beautiful evening...